Red Velvet, one of K-Pop’s more successful current girl groups, has been on hiatus for almost two years. Their last comeback, Psycho, was one of their best-performing. However, almost immediately after its release, their lead singer, Wendy, was involved in a horrific stage accident. Then a year later, the leader of the group, Irene, was involved in an attitude scandal that forced the group to remain on hiatus.
So today’s celebrity tarot reading will investigate what is going on with each member as they get ready for an August comeback.
Topics this celebrity tarot post will cover:
- The current energy of each member
- Do the members want to stay in the group?
- Will they break up?
- Will they renew their contract?
Irene’s Tarot Reading

What is Irene’s current energy?

Irene’s career is going through a period of renewal. I have read on her previously, when her scandal about berating a stylist on set was first outed. Back then, I said that she would seriously reflect for about eight months before being seen in the public. I also predicted that her career will not be negatively impacted over the long-term due to her female fans’ intervention. So this card is no surprise for me.
Whether you agree with her still being a member or not, her single card shows that she is beginning a new stage in life and in business. This will be an amazing growth period for her.
In a strange way, this scandal has solidified her position as a celebrity. Because she was able to survive this scandal with barely a scratch, she will be offered more opportunities to grow as an idol but also as a CF star. I see many, many lucrative deals in her immediate future. The thinking here is that she’s Teflon, so she is a safe celebrity to represent any brand.
Does Irene want to stay within Red Velvet?

Again, Irene may as well be called the Teflon Don. She is still dealing with the scandal. Because of the criticism, she did receive a wake-up call about her behavior. After taking a rest, she is able to reinvent herself in a way and come out strong. Her cards show that she isn’t overly concerned about the group. Her focus is on making sure that her solo endeavors go smoothly. With this Star card here, they most definitely will.
Wendy’s Tarot Reading

What is Wendy’s current energy?

Wendy is very interesting. Her card is the Queen of Cups which, coincidentally, is my personal card. FYI, personal cards are those that represent you in a reading. Whenever you see this card, it serves as a reminder that yes, this reading is about you.
Anyway, back to Wendy. The Queen of Cups is an introspective woman, even introverted. She’s very creative, likely has some artistic talent that could become professional. She swims within her emotions but strangely, keeps them to herself. This Queen can be so focused on her inner world and the arts that she loses touch with reality at times.
This is where I see Wendy’s headspace being. Yes, she’s recovered from her horrific fall in 2019 and has successfully debuted as a soloist, but there is still some emotional healing that she is still dealing with. She still needs her space to process and heal.
Does Wendy want to stay within Red Velvet?

Wendy is going through a lot. I feel that she wants to be judged fairly when it comes to her place in the group, but she feels like she’s getting the short end of the stick. I feel social anxiety from her big time. There is also a feeling of being bullied or ‘losing out’ all the time. She loves to sing, but there is a feeling of unfair treatment while being a member of Red Velvet.
It seems that she’s still deliberating on what she wants to do. So for now, there is no answer as to whether she wants to stay within Red Velvet or not.
Out of all the members, it looks like Wendy would be helped by one of my readings, either the Shadow Work or Depression Relief tarot reading. In these, I use the tarot to help you understand the underlying forces that are causing you to remain stuck in a position that makes you unhappy. I always advocate for therapy if you feel that you may be facing insurmountable odds, but there are tools in my shop that could work as supplements.
Seulgi’s Tarot Reading

What is Seulgi’s current energy?

For Seulgi, it seems that she may have been having a tough time. In one-card readings, a good trick to getting a more well-rounded answer is to consider the card that immediately comes before the one you pulled.
In Seulgi’s case, that would be the Five of Cups, the card of sorrow and disappointment. This is also the card of depression in my system of reading. It should be no surprise to fans if she did, indeed, suffer through a slump.
All is not lost, however. Seulgi’s card is the Six of Cups, the card of nostalgia and anything delightful from the past. I feel that whatever dark cloud was hanging over Seulgi is slowly being swept away from the love of her old friends and family members. She may also be enjoying hobbies that she loved before she was an idol. These are likely to be artistic pursuits that she had to put aside in favor of meeting a busy schedule.
Like Wendy, Seulgi is on a healing journey. She may also be seeking professional services to help her.
Does Seulgi want to stay within Red Velvet?

She is fine with staying in the group as evidenced by the Hanged Man, but I see here very clearly that she wants more stability and money. She received the Star card in the background. This leads me to believe that she still has more oomph in her that is waiting to be unleashed. Should the group disband, she would do very well on her own. This makes sense given that she and Irene have their own sub-unit that will surpass Red Velvet if it has not already.
Joy’s Tarot Reading

What is Joy’s current energy?

Don’t be alarmed! The Death card is not literal, especially for a question like this. So, let’s examine the card to see how it pertains to Joy’s current state.
In the imagery, we see a skeletal-looking knight riding a white horse with red eyes. This automatically tells us that this knight is not human and neither is his horse. There is a man lying beneath the horse, a crown near the horse’s feet and a woman and child kneeling in front, with the child offering flowers. In front of the horse stands the Pope. He prays, seemingly begging for mercy, yet the knight and its ghostly horse marches on, pay no attention.
But look in the background. There, the sun is rising with large rays that are moments from illuminating the grisly scene.
Here, this card does speak of the inevitability of death, but it also speaks of the peace and well-being that follows. So for Joy, this states that whatever transformation she is going through is necessary for her to be a better person (or celebrity).
She is currently facing growing pains. It may hurt, but she needs it to shine more brightly in the future.
Does Joy want to stay within Red Velvet?

Much like Seulgi, Joy is fine to keep the status quo. She feels like the group is like a family for her, but part of her feels confined to the bounds of the group’s image. She feels stuck and has the energy of someone who wants to break free, but doesn’t know how. I also get from her that she feels cheated in some way. She may also have a habit of using her charms to get her way from time to time.
This could be related to her individual contract or treatment within the group…
Yeri’s Tarot Reading

What is Yeri’s current energy?

This tells me that Yeri is either in a relationship or that she finally feels like an equal in the group. Both could be true at once, but in her case, I believe this is how she feels about her place as a Red Velvet member.
Still, she should be careful with her relationships outside of the group. If she isn’t careful, her personal life could be exposed.
Does Yeri want to stay within Red Velvet?

This is interesting. It looks like Yeri is teetering with her role within the group. She received the Five of Cups, the card of disappointment and depression that I mentioned in Seulgi’s section. I feel that this is her current state of mind and how she feels about the group. Being a member is not what she thought it would be. She assumed that it would be more fun than it actually is. Therefore, she would prefer to leave.
The Seven of Swords usually represents deception. This could be outright lies or little details that are hidden for nefarious or tactical purposes. Depending on the question, this could also represent small accidents that are the result of being clumsy or running/sneaking away. Since I asked if Yeri wants to stay within the group, this is telling me that no, she would rather leave. Quietly.
Yeri has fantasies about striking out on her own, but whether she will is still up in the air. Because of the presence of the Wheel of Fortune, I feel that these are thoughts she has on a cyclical basis. Back in 2018, I predicted that she would leave the group in two or three years. There are still fives months left for this prediction, so I would not be surprised if she does leave the group eventually.
Will Red Velvet Disband?

Before I answer the question, I must point out something I saw. The amount of times I’ve seen the Death card hovering around the members was alarming. Not only that, but another thing I noticed is the insistence on the number four. As fans will know, Red Velvet debuted as a 4-member K-Pop group. They became five once Yeri joined in 2015.
The other members welcomed Yeri with opens arms (publicly), but Yeri’s time as a celebrity has not been easy.
This makes me wonder if they are discussing a member – possibly Yeri or Wendy – leaving or taking a prolonged break.
Either way, the answer to whether they will disband will not be decided by them. There are two very influential men who have control over this situation. It does appear that both men believe that there is still work for Red Velvet to do. They are still a viable group that can generate a profit.
Will Red Velvet Renew Their Contract?

The answer is YES! The sun is shining over this question, which tells me that yes, Red Velvet will renew their contract. It looks like the reason why this negotiation has taken so long is because they were holding out for more money.
However, whether they will remain a five member group is another story…
Now that I’ve run down every Red Velvet member and how they feel about their positions in the group, what do you think? Comment down below.
And for more celebrity readings, check out my previous blog on Kris Wu.
Bye for now!