Celebrity Tarot – Are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle A Good Love Match?

celebrity tarot are prince harry and hrh meghan markle a good love match engagement photo vanity fair

Long time, no see! I’m so sorry for being MIA for the past month. Who knew that keeping up a blog and doing tarot readings would be so hard?

Anyway, a client gave me a good idea to use my Are We A Good Match? tarot reading to analyze Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s love affinity.

A full description of this reading can be found in my Etsy shop (and on my website in the near future). So here is a brief lay-out of what I’ll be looking at:

  • The energy of the relationship
  • Are you a good match for them?
  • Are they a good match for you?
  • What is positive about this relationship?
  • What are the potential challenges as a couple?
  • Words of wisdom moving forward

The sixth point can be changed, according to what you want to know about the relationship. In Harry and Meghan’s case, I asked about the general future of their relationship.

So, with that out of the way, let’s get in their business.

What Is the Energy of This Relationship Currently?

This is beautiful energy to have, especially given the strife and stress this couple has endured since they announced their engagement. The Empress is a card that reminds me of being queen in your castle. In a love relationship, she represents abundance of love, sensual pleasure and motherhood if other cards align.

This lady is bound to nature and the home. She concerns herself with beautifying her home and enjoying the small (or grand) comforts she’s accumulated over time.

Harry and Meghan are in the nesting stage of their relationship. I expect for them to feel that all is well as long as they stay inside, tending to their growing family.

Is Meghan A Good Match for Harry?

celebrity tarot are prince harry and hrh meghan markle a good love match tarot reading two

In the past, I’ve done plenty of small readings about Meghan in particular. In nearly every single one of them, she comes across as a nice enough lady, but there is usually a haze of confusion around her. Seeing this card, however, shines a light on what I’ve seen in the past.

Here, Meghan receives the Nine of Wands for whether or not she is a good match for Harry. This card says, ‘no, but…” as an answer.

She has been beaten up. Obviously we can see how the press treats her, but this tells me that Meghan had serious, deep-seeded issues that has probably cause some form of PTSD.

Of course, I’m not a therapist nor do I know these people, I’m just relaying what the cards say. Also, to cover my butt, this reading is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to defame anyone or to be used for nefarious purposes.

This card is showing me that however Meghan feels about Harry, she cannot properly express it due to traumas she has faced in the past and potentially what she currently faces now. She’s always on guard, waiting for the next shoe to drop and at times, her emotional expression may not seem genuine. I feel that she’s very afraid, especially of being hurt from people she trusts. I’m sure that most people feel the same way she does, but Meghan appears to have severe traumas in her past that still have a hold on her.

Is Harry a Good Match for Meghan?

celebrity tarot are prince harry and hrh meghan markle a good love match tarot reading three

Yes! Harry is represented as the Knight of Cups. This knight travels steadily on his horse with his back straight and eyes gazing forward. He holds a golden chalice in his hand, offering it confidently to the target of his desire.

This knight is the most romantic of the bunch. In some ways, he can be seen as a bit of a playboy. He’s overly romantic and falls in love quickly. Harry being emotionally expressive. I feel that he may carry most of the emotional load in this relationship. I do not keep up with this couple’s news – or any celebrity for that matter – but would not be surprised if both he and Meghan admit that he carries most of the emotional burden flung their way.

In a way, I feel that he is proud to do so right now. It makes him feel useful to have a healing effect on his wife.

Also, I’ve read on this couple vs the Royal Family after their interview with Oprah. I have noticed that out of the entire bunch, Harry is the only family member with consistent cups cards while the rest are sword-heavy with a sprinkle of pentacles. Harry wears his feelings on his sleeves, and so does Meghan, which is the real reason why they were outcasts.

tarot by mokko photo of du meizhu for kris wu celebrity tarot reading for kris wu career What Is The Positive of This Relationship?

celebrity tarot are prince harry and hrh meghan markle a good love match tarot reading four

Ah, the World card. This makes sense as this is an internationally famous couple. Here, we see fame, notoriety and success. I also feel that this represents a fresh start for both. Harry was able to leave a family that was suffocating him to begin his own as a ‘normal’ citizen and Meghan was able to do the same while beginning her career as a humanitarian.

And if you believe in reincarnation, I also feel that this marriage will provide the closure of karmic debt both personally and politically.

tarot by mokko photo of du meizhu for kris wu celebrity tarot reading conclusion What Are the Potential Negatives of This Relationship?

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Even the downside of this relationship isn’t that bad. The Six of Wands represents a victory. Here, a young man, possibly a knight, is being celebrated for some type of win. You can see people in the background looking at him in awe but also facing a different direction. He’s not the main attraction here.

So while yes, this is a nice card to have, but for the way I read, I see this card as winning a battle, not the war. I feel that hubris and arrogance is strong with these two, especially with every win they make in a legal court or the court of public opinion.

This arrogance could be their downfall with the public if they aren’t careful enough to remain humble.

What Is the Future Trend of This Relationship

celebrity tarot are prince harry and hrh meghan markle a good love match tarot reading six

Now this is the most difficult part of the reading for all of my clients. Of course, they would love to hear that the person they are with is The One and that they will ride off into the sunset happily ever after. However, as a reader, I know that you wouldn’t buy a reading if your relationship is going well.

So, the Death card.

Yep, this is what they received when I asked where this couple will be in one year. This isn’t to say that they will be divorced, but I do believe that in a year’s time, Harry and Meghan’s marriage will be on a slow decline.

Death is not a sudden end, it is a slow, yet inevitable, end. Remember how I said that the good thing about this relationship is the settling of karmic debt? Once these two have fought most of their battles, they will not have very much to do, in a spiritual sense, besides raise their children. This is a couple that needs to fight others for their love in order to stay together. Once this is over, their purpose as a couple is over.

This is when we will start to see the coldness, distancing and erosion of loving feelings. This is also when Meghan may begin to learn that Harry truly is a hopeless romantic, willing to offer his love to whomever he sees fit…

Stick a pin in this post. I’m not a big believer in the future being set in stone, but it looks like this one definitely is. The timing may be off, but not the events that I’m implicating.

Alright, guys. That’s all I have for now. For more celebrity predictions, check out the tag on my blog.

If you would like a relationship reading from me, check out my Etsy shop.

And don’t forget, I will be adding a shop function to my website for people who aren’t familiar with or fans of Etsy. I’ve been told that you don’t want friends and family members finding your purchases on Etsy, so I’ve decided to bring my shop here to protect your privacy. You will be able to leave reviews on my website under an alias as well. So, stay tuned for a big update in the future.



  1. Why is royal family, the monarchy and the Troy government protecting Prince Andrew?

    What is really behind The Cambridges house hunting and staff changes?

    1. *allegedly and for entertainment purposes only*

      Tories – he was (or is) a trusted advisor and friend
      the family – simply because he’s one of them… Also, in some wacky way, they think that holding on to him will improve their image. Meaning, they’re loyal to family and end the end, the public will appreciate this display despite the allegations surrounding him.

      I asked specifically about the Queen and she’s doing it as a matter of real love for him + the strategy I mentioned above. She doesn’t want anyone else to leave the family.

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